External Thermal Facade
External composite thermal insulation system, applied on the outside of buildings, new and old homes and comprises heat insulating material, commonly expanded polystyrene and rock wool in special cases or extruded polystyrene.
Watching closely the international technological advances of space, we are able to provide you with the most modern, high-quality, reliable and environmentally friendly finishing application: the thermal insulation system with Polyurethane Sprayer.
The thermal insulation system with Polyurethane Sprayer is green because it has zero VOC since it does not contain solvents and other volatile compounds. At the same time provides great durability, lasting over 50 years.
The major advantages of external composite thermal insulation system is:
- Integrated heat insulation without thermal bridges in building elements made of concrete, e.g. beams, columns, walls, etc.
- Protects floor surfaces from humidity, because conditions are not created to liquefy water vapor inside the building or inside the wall.
- Creates great storage on wall surfaces, which accumulates and re-radiant inside the building, allows full exploitation of space and does not reduce the size of, since it allows the placement of finishing outside the area allowed for construction of a surface.
- Reduces the maintenance costs of the building protects the concrete elements of the building from cracking.
The build quality of the system is characterized as very high, as specifically used additional pieces for corner protection, water drip, fiberglass mesh for reinforcement throughout the surface coating application such a system has an average payback time from the energy savings alone, the 4-6 years.
For an old house where either no insulation has in the walls or it is incomplete, the external facade is presented as the only reliable solution thermal protection of the building.
The exterior insulation can play an important role in the reformation of increasing its value. This increase in value is not achieved only through the Reformation but also from two other parameters: from better building energy calibration of identity but also of the increase of his life and reducing maintenance costs.
Technical Description of External Thermal Insulation
- Guide Placement support optional.
- Followed by the application of welding material on plates with a spatula or machine. Directly placed the insulating boards in order starting from the bottom up. Each subsequent row is placed about half the plate shifted, so as to avoid vertical joints. Any bonding material at the sides of the plates must be removed to prevent creation of cracks and gaps between them.
- Positioned plates remain for two days so as to ensure the adequate polymerization of bonding material. Then follows the anchor plates with special plugs (4-6 plugs/sq.).
- After over 2-3 days apply the aid material in insulating boards. Mineral soil the organic for boxing in the grid. The grid entrapped in fresh aid with overlapping layer of leaves at 10 cm. The total thickness of the layer is 3-4mm around for inorganic and 2-3mm around for organic material.
- Then, apply primer on the case that was used inorganic material aid or in case you used organic material but had to stay a long time without the final coating. The primer should be painted in the color of the plaster.
- As a final stage of external thermal insulation system is the application of colored plaster with machine or spatula.